
IR Consultants

Blog Posts

How to Streamline Client Management and Enhance Investor Engagement

Expert IR consultants review their best practices for streamlining client management and earning investor engagement in their IR practices.

June 2, 2023

Case Studies

Winning IR Podcast Episodes

S1E07 - IR Innovators: Creative Tactics for Standing Out and Engaging Investors with Alyssa Barry & Caroline Sawamoto, irlabs

Alyssa Barry and Caroline Sawamoto are both Principals and Co-Founders at irlabs. Each boasts over 15-years of investor relations and capital markets experience. An activist by nature, Alyssa has raised over $1 billion of capital, led some of Canada’s most successful activism campaigns, managed M&A transactions and enhanced board governance frameworks. Caroline has supported numerous financing activities, both public and private, and helped raise over $650 million of capital.

March 20, 2023

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